

Franziska Feldmann

ALASCA Tech-Talk #16

ALASCA Tech-Talk #16 | Infrastructure Manager (IM): TOSCA-based cloud orchestration and deployment | Miguel Caballer

Die ALASCA Tech-Talks bieten eine Plattform, um Projekte zu diskutieren, die das Potenzial haben, die digitale Souveränität digitaler Infrastrukturen und von Cloud-Diensten zu verbessern, sowie für Anwendungsfälle, die auf diese digital-souveränen Infrastrukturen und Dienste angewiesen sind.

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Für unseren fünften ALASCA Tech-Talk dieses Jahres konnten wir den folgenden Speaker gewinnen:

ALASCA Tech-Talk #16 | Infrastructure Manager (IM): TOSCA-based cloud orchestration and deployment | Miguel Caballer

Infrastructure Manager (IM): TOSCA-based cloud orchestration and deployment

Miguel Caballer (Researcher at UPV-GRyCAP)

Applications and services require customized computational environments that can be provisioned from multiple Cloud providers (e.g. on-premises Clouds, public Clouds, federated platforms). However, the use of these platforms requires users to have non-trivial skills. For that, the Infrastructure Manager (IM) is a tool that deploys complex and customized virtual infrastructures on multiple back-ends. The IM automates the Virtual Machine Image (VMI) selection, deployment, configuration, software installation, monitoring and update of virtual infrastructures. It supports various back-ends, thus making user applications Cloud agnostic. In addition, it features DevOps capabilities, based on Ansible, to enable the installation and configuration of all the user-required applications, providing the user with a fully functional infrastructure. The IM has been extensively adopted in European research projects, and it is being used in production in the EGI Federated Cloud (one of the largest distributed computing infrastructures for research), to support the deployment of customized virtual infrastructures with popular software (e.g. Kubernetes, Daskhub, JupyterHub, Galaxy, etc.).

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