

Franziska Feldmann

ALASCA Tech-Talk #8

ALASCA Tech-Talk #8 | Christoph Fetzer (Scontain) on "Using Confidential Computing for Protecting Data, Code, and Secrets of Applications"

Die ALASCA Tech-Talks bieten eine Plattform, um Projekte zu diskutieren, die das Potenzial haben, die digitale Souveränität digitaler Infrastrukturen und von Cloud-Diensten zu verbessern, sowie für Anwendungsfälle, die auf diese digital-souveränen Infrastrukturen und Dienste angewiesen sind.

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Freut euch in unserem nunmehr 8. ALASCA Tech-Talk auf den folgenden Speaker:

ALASCA Tech-Talk #8 | Christoph Fetzer (Scontain) on "Using Confidential Computing for Protecting Data, Code, and Secrets of Applications"

„Using Confidential Computing for Protecting Data, Code, and Secrets of Applications“

Christof Fetzer (Co-Founder of Scontain)

Confidential computing protects the data, code, and key materials of applications from access by privileged software and users. This protection enables secure outsourcing, not only of the computing infrastructure needs but also of the operations of services and applications. Managing services and applications by untrusted entities requires a more fine-granular control of software and configuration updates. I show how multi-stakeholder governance helps us to establish trust in services and applications running on remote Kubernetes clusters. Moreover, I demonstrate how governance and confidential computing work in virtually air-gapped environments without direct access.

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