

Franziska Feldmann

OpenInfra Summit Vancouver

Maria Vaquero, The C is for Cloud: ALASCA - our answer to the call for digital sovereignty, OpenInfra Summit

ALASCA is travelling to Canada to present at this year's OpenInfra Summit in Vancouver. Initiated by the OpenInfra Foundation, the OpenStack community will come together in Vancouver from 13 to 15 June 2023 to discuss the latest developments around OpenStack and open source topics in general.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to present ALASCA in this special setting and to spread the importance of the topic of "digital sovereignty" beyond the borders of Europe and to raise awareness of the issue close to our hearts.

We cordially invite you all to attend our lecture.

Maria Vaquero, The C is for Cloud: ALASCA - our answer to the call for digital sovereignty, OpenInfra Summit

June 15, 4:00pm - 4:30pm | Vancouver Convention Centre - Room 8/15

"The C is for Cloud: ALASCA - our answer to the call for digital sovereignty"  

Dr María Vaquero

Digital sovereignty remains a hot topic in 2023 - and yet, it is often still just talked about instead of actively tackled. One major area where the need for more sovereignty is immense is the cloud space. The dependency on hyperscalers is still far too high - often because companies and the public sector lack both suitable tools and knowledge for setting up and operating their own cloud infrastructure. This is where ALASCA comes in - our newly founded non-profit association for operational, open cloud infrastructures. ALASCA's mission is twofold: First, we develop open source technologies (such as our Lifecycle Management Tool for OpenStack Yaook) that are ready for application. Second, we raise awareness, educate and provide concrete guidance for using our tools, so that organisations can overcome the hurdles for the deployment of their own cloud. This way, ALASCA not only sends a signal for digital sovereignty, but also creates a real, strong contribution.

Would you like to learn more?

Do you have any questions regarding the event or article above or would you like to get in touch? Feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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