

Franziska Feldmann

GC Tech Talk #6

GC Tech-Talk #6 | Tor Lund-Larsen

The GC Tech Talks provide the platform to discuss projects that have the potential to improve digital infrastructures and cloud services, as well as use cases that rely on these infrastructures and services.

In the 6th round of GC Tech Talks, the following exciting topic awaits you:

GC Tech-Talk #6 | Tor Lund-Larsen

 "Secure Operating System and Test Automation - lessons learned and future perspectives".  

Tor Lund-Larsen | Cyberus Technology

The presentation will be about lessons learned from Intel, FireEye and now Cyberus with low-level (Operating System) software engineering, test automation and "Shifting-Left" software quality assurance.  

The talk will introduce a new metric: "Structural Release Delay" (SRD) as the critical success measure for the efficiency and productivity of a software factory, and discuss the challenges and benefits of switching from "standard" asynchronous to a synchronous "left-shifted" software engineering and test methodology.

To participate and receive all relevant information, such as the access data, please register below:

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