Save the date: 03 and 04 November 2025!
Dear ALASCA community,
The ALASCA Summit 2024 in Dresden was a complete success! Under the motto "Beyond Boundaries: Shaping Europe's digital future together" technology enthusiasts gathered at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum to discuss open source technologies and the latest developments in cloud infrastructures and to promote digital sovereignty. Highlights included inspiring keynotes, practice-orientated workshops, panel discussions and, of course, networking with the community.
With this strong foundation, we are ready to start the next round! We would therefore like to welcome you to the 03 and 04 November 2025 again to Dresden to the German Hygiene Museum invite.
Further information regarding the motto and the submission for speakers will follow! We are looking forward to another Summit with you and are busy preparing!
Stay up to date by regularly visiting our website where all the latest information about the Summit will be shared. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to receive all information by email.