

Sarah Günther

ALASCA Tech-Talk #20

The ALASCA Tech-Talks provide a platform to discuss projects that have the potential to improve the digital sovereignty of digital infrastructures and cloud services, as well as use cases that rely on these digital sovereign infrastructures and services.

Missed the Tech Talk? No problem, you can find all the recordings on our ALASCA YouTube channel.

What can you expect in the upcoming Tech Talk?

For our 20th ALASCA Tech Talk we were able to win the following speaker:

Incus - Cloud computing at any scale

Stéphane Grabler (Zabbly)

At its core, Incus is an open source containers and virtual-machine manager. But with built-in support for a variety of storage options, support for software defined networking and easy clustering, it has turned into a full fledged private cloud while remaining very lightweight and easy to use. It will run on anything from a Raspberry Pi all the way to rack full of the latest servers and in all cases, will provide the same simple user experience and extensive API allowing it to be driven through industry standard tools like Terraform and Ansible.

This talk will cover a very brief history of the project, how it came to life as a fork of LXD, what it can do today and where it's headed.

You want to be part of the Tech-Talk? Then send us a short message via the contact form below to get the access data.

Too complicated? Then download the calendar entry directly as an ics file here.

Would you like to learn more?

Do you have any questions regarding the event or article above or would you like to get in touch? Feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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