Become a member of ALASCA.

Advantages of membership.

Strong community & committed community

We share the vision of Digital Sovereignty and want to make a positive difference in the world. As part of ALASCA, you are part of something big and experience a strong community pulling together on the path to realising our vision.

Digital sovereignty through open-source technology

We realize Digital Sovereignty by using open-source software. In our projects, you keep an eye on current requirements on cloud infrastructures with us and create new technologies that bring us closer to the materialization of Digital Sovereignty.

Making Digital Sovereignty understandable

Together with us, you create awareness for Digital Sovereignty among others, inform and educate. At ALASCA, you contribute to the sustainable growth and impact of the open-source movement.

Application process

Read the Statutes

You should agree to our statutes if you want to join ALASCA. By the way, both natural persons and legal entities (such as companies) may become members of ALASCA.

Apply for membership

Now fill in the application form. Here, you have the choice between a regular membership or a supporting membership. Simply send your completed membership application by email to

Pay contribution fee

If your application for membership is approved, you will receive a payment request for your membership fee. The amount of fee can be seen in our contribution rules. Please pay your fees only after you have received the confirmation of admission.

You are done!

After paying your dues, you will receive a confirmation of the start of your membership - we are happy to have you on board and to advance Digital Sovereignty together with you!



The current constitution of ALASCA - Verband für betriebsfähige, offene Cloud-Infrastrukturen e.V., as adopted by the general meeting on 29.09.2022, can be found here.

Contribution rules

You can download the ALASCA contribution regulations for the financial years 2022 to 2024 here.

Membership application

You can find out how to become a member above in the membership process under point (2). Here you can download your membership application form to fill in and sign.


ALASCA e.V. - We develop for European digital sovereignty - Become a member